5 Days, 6 Stages
Average Stage: 85 km
Total Tour Distance: 450 kms
Average Daily Ride Time: 3h 30 mins
7 - 11 APRIL 2025
Enter as an individual or form a 3, 4 or 5 person team.
“A heart-pounding, soul-stirring journey that will leave you forever changed.”
Tour Information
Tranzalpine Train (Day 1) - Join Tour at Christchurch Railway Station at 6.30 am on Day 1.
Stage 1 (Day 1): 37km - Greymouth to Hokitika
Stage 2 (Day 2): 107 km - Ross to Franz Joseph
Stage 3 (Day 3): 98 km - Fox Glacier to Haast
Stage 4.1 (Day 4): 62 km - Haast to Makarora West
Stage 4.2 (Day 4): 61 km - Makarora West to Hawea
Stage 5 (Day 5): 49 km - Wanaka to Crown Range summit
As part of your entry, the following support services are provided:
Traffic Management
Bike Mechanic
First Aid
Massage (TBC) - on previous tours, a private massage therapist has been available for bookings. All appointments are paid for by riders.
Tour Photography
What’s not included:
Nutrition and Hydration: Some water points will be available; however, you must be prepared if they are not where you need them.
Nutrition for riders is not provided.
You can enter as an Individual rider or as part of a team.
As an individual, you will meet many other individual riders and be supported by your chosen charity.
Categories for both teams and individuals apply to males and females.
Age is taken as at 1 April 2025.
Teams require a minimum of 3 entrants to qualify as a defined category.
Junior (age 23 and under)
Open (age 39 and under)
Veteran (age 49 and under)
Vintage (age 64 and under)
Seasoned (over age 65)
Aged Category Teams: All team members must be the relevant age for a single age category.
Mixed team: Your team must have one member of each sex in the team everyday.
Family Team: No age restriction.
Corporate Team: All team members must be employees or clients of the same business or organisation. No age restriction.
School teams: All team members must be still at High school /college, though more than one school can form a single team under the name of the predominant school. Each team must have a chaperone/coach, preferably riding with the team each day.
Major spot prizes are drawn, and podium winners are acknowledged in all categories.
We've tailored every detail to ensure that your participation in the race is not only exhilarating but hassle-free. From essential race-day amenities to exclusive perks, our entry fee package has everything you need to make the most out of your cycling adventure.
Get ready for the ultimate cycling experience with our “All Benefits” entry fee package of NZ$1300. This includes:
Day 1 Tranzalpine Train journey, an iconic New Zealand journey
Discounted accommodation to ensure you have a comfortable stay before and after the race, allowing you to rest and recharge for the next day's adventure
All transport
Day 4 Lunch and Day 5 Celebration and Prizegiving Luncheon.
You can also choose provide your own transport and accommodation with our “Tour Only” entry fee of NZ$700.
All riders receive a complimentary Race Pack with essential items.
Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to take your cycling journey to the next level. Sign up now and secure your spot in the race of a lifetime!
See Rider Entry for more information.
As a condition of entry, you agree to raise a minimum of $250 for your selected charity. Every sponsor of your ride will be issued a tax-deductible receipt for their gift.
When you complete the entry form, you are required to indicate your chosen charity. The charity receives the rider's name and contact details, and they will communicate directly with you.
Tour rules clearly state that every participant must ride in obedience to the New Zealand road rules governing cyclists on public roads. Whilst West Coast roads don’t generally have high traffic flows, the Tour organisers do their best to keep groups reasonably small and riding single-file. This is achieved by starting riders in groups of 15 at 1-minute intervals. This helps other road users pass you easily and safely.
The complete Race Rules will be provided in your race pack.
Please refer to our Terms and Conditions

Let us know and we can advertise this amongst individual riders who would prefer to ride as a team. You can indicate your preference to join a team on the Registration Form.
You can bring your own support crew and provide your own transport and accommodation for the Tour week. If you choose this “Tour Only” option at registration, your entry fee is reduced to $700.
If you have registered with the “All Benefits” entry fee, your accommodation is included.
For “Tour Only” entry fee riders, we recommend booking as soon as possible.
No. With the exception of Lunch on Day 4 and the Lunch and Prizegiving on Day 5.
However, we will let you know about any group discounts on meals offered by the hotels on Tour week.
The weather conditions can vary, especially when travelling the West Coast and over the passes on the South Island. So be prepared for all weather, rain, hail and shine. Best to dress in layers as the autumn mornings can be chilly, and this will enable you to peel off excess clothing as the day warms up. Beanies and gloves are a must! We will update you closer to the time with more details—Pack clothes for relaxing in the afternoons/evenings.
6:30 am.
Your bike can not travel with you on the train. The tour vans will carry your bike in trailers or inside the vans. These vans will meet you at Greymouth railway station on your arrival.
Please have your bike built and go for a test ride before arriving at Christchurch Train Station on Day 1. Our mechanic will be available at Greymouth for any last-minute adjustments.
Bikes will be transported in bike trailers to Greymouth for Stage 1 start while you are on the TranzAlpine train.Bike bags, cases, and boxes will be transported to Queenstown for the event finish on Day 5. We can arrange for new bike boxes in Queenstown from bike shops who are always happy to have them reused if you need one.
After the final stage concludes around 11:30 am at the summit of the Crown Range, join us for lunch and the Prizegiving at the Event Centre Functions reception room, starting promptly at 1:00 pm. This means you'll have an hour and a half to travel the short drive, refresh with a swim and gear up for the festivities. Choose to head home after 3.00 pm or stay for an epic weekend getaway.

Tranzalpine Train
Tranzalpine Train
Embark on an exhilarating journey aboard the iconic Transalpine Train, immersing yourself in awe-inspiring landscapes. Then, gear up for Stage 1 with Julian Dean and fellow riders, as you launch into the heart of the West Coast, where the real adventure begins.